Mismanagement Highlights

CH3 Fall MisManageMent Results:
11/2/08 at 1 pm’ish Bears on at NOON!!! Bears WIN!!!!

Bar Atlantic -5062 N. Lincoln Ave, CHICAGO, IL

We have seen 1518 hashers run with us this year about 150 more people than last year at this time. That equals about 3 more hashers per hash at each of the 45 hashes we had this year so nice job CH3 in getting virgins to cum and then having the staying power to keep them cumming!!!

WE ARE AVG.- 33 hashers per hash this year!! Avg. 3 more hashers per hash this year as compared to last year.

Hashers Present- Chicken Stiffer-Gm, Calvin Klein- RA, It’s Too Soft- Web Dude, Mouthful of Meat- HareRazor, Erin Go Bra- Hasher, Horn-e- Hasher

1. Verify funds We have $1032 in hash cash.
2. Hash Tax and cash kept at $1 per person and $8 total? Keep hash tax the way it is. approved
3. Turn over $1000 for new GM in 2009.
4. Collected $356 so far this year in haberdashery $$$. We will be buying new haberdashery soon.
5. $246 in hash tax collected this year that is $5 a hash. We Have only collected $5 per hash for hash tax this year
6. Donated $50 in hash cash to TH3 PINK DRESS for the beer stop.
7. Paid $84 for CH3 flag which was stolen by 2nd city a year ago and not returned. Hash flag purchase was approved by those present.
8. $25 for CH3 photos to be easily accessed online. Ask ITS TOO SOFT This allows for easy download of hash pictures

B. ANTHRAX Hash –Quick notes
1. December 19-21st weekend is the date
2. Where do we have it? Beaumonts 2020 N. Halsted
3. Volunteers to help Mismanagement run the event.
4. Cost should be around $30
5. Hotels- Arlington house youth Hostel and Days Inn on Diversey

C. Calendar
1. POWER OF THE PUSSY (POP) July 11-13 Weekend!! What a weekend 88 hashers showed. NICE JOB!!
2. Nov. 23 is CH3 Thanksgiving Day Hash at Just Shaina’s. FOOD AND BEER WILL FLOW!!!!
3. Elections are cumming up who will be CH3 GM next year nominations will be in January and Elections in February. Elections will begin in Jan. with Nominations and per HORN-E’s suggestion last year each hasher will receive one vote per each hash they attended this year. Hashers will have a chance to vote in the first two weeks in February either at the hash or via e-mail. This was approved by all present.
4. Hash Ball Date Feb. or beginning of March Suggestion was made to use the 4-treys for hashball and ask milk my yak to make beer for us again.


D. Hare Razor- Mouthful and Batteries
1. NICE JOB KEEPING US WITH HARES Looks like we have hares until Jan.
2. Have a new Bar wiki so hares can find hash friendly Bars.
3. Phone line will only carry CH3 and TH3 updates other hashes have decided not to be part of hash line. Just I LEAN nice job with phone line. Just I Lean may be moving so we may need a new hasher to run the phone line.

1. ITS TOO SOFT now puts out the CH3 hareline.
2. If you want to be put on or taken off the CH3 Hareline tell him.
3. We have new picture site that CH3 posts web dudes photos on.

F. Haberdashery could use new Haberdashery- Schwiiinga?
1. Very Low on Haberdashery we will make new shit in the cumming weeks.
2. Tank Tops and Dri-knit? We will be looking to get tech gear with our new haberdashery purchase.

G. RA’s & circle: Calvin & Enema Canal
1. New songs?

H. Misc
1. Big Hump Green dress in March
2. Indyscent prom dress last weekend in April!!!

New Business


Can’t think of anything e-mail me if you wish to add anything here??

Happy Ass Grabber asked that the TH3 info be included on the CH3 website the CH3 MM has no problem with that and IT’s TOO SOFT has been posting the info on the CH3 site for the past couple of months.

A. Budget- The Budget was approved by those present.


The pack made its way back to the bar and Calvin convened the circle. Crop Duster and KGB were the FRB’s I believe and Cumma Slutra, our hare next week was the FBI. Rub My Disc brought us good tidings from Ohio and this new transplant promises to be back hashing with us in the near future. Mudsucker walked in hair disheveled after spending the morning on the couch watching the Bears and he will have a chili party on Saturday night. We had many twins today with Stab’em and Slab’em, Snatchsquatch, Just Kat, Up loader, and others wearing coordinated hash gear for today’s run. Eventually the circle closed but that did not end the festivities for the day. We reconvened the circle at W’All Bangher request and brought in Just Ira for her naming. Many suggestions were made but she was finally named SOUR KROTCH by a 10 to 3 vote by those hashers present. This name was suggested because she made sauerkraut for the previous hash at W’All Bangher house. We will miss her as she returns to Germany this week.

Tuesday saw about 15 people gather at Party Central for an election party. More Tail, Just Taylor, Snatchsquatch, Chicken Stiffer, Poultry Fucker, Its Too Soft, Are they Real, and others were present for this momentous occasion. Hell we should have had an impromptu hash at 7 pm and a quick circle before the O’bama speech at 10 pm. Hopefully we will see a nice turn out at the Chili party at MUDSUCKERS on Saturday and congrats to Mr. O’bama I heard he may stop by for chili on Saturday.



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